Club Charter

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Club Charter

#1 Post by Foxer » Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:05 am

For the first time, we're going to have a written charter spelling out the operation of the Club and the duties/privileges for members and officers. This was discussed at the last open meeting (Nov). If interested, please review. Any comments are welcome in the Feedback Forum (comments can't be posted in this forum). Unless there are issues, we'll begin operating under these rules effective at the January meeting.

1. The D.C. Star Wars Collecting Club (the “Club”) is a non-profit organization that serves to allow its members to enjoy opportunities to share in and celebrate their common enthusiasm for Star Wars films and entertainment, memorabilia and collecting.

Through the Club, members are able to help each other, foster friendships, educate one another, and engage in community activities.

Article I: Membership

2. Membership is open to anyone interested in Star Wars and Star Wars Collecting, on the conditions only that they pay a required membership fee and agree to abide by the rules set forth in this Charter.

3. Membership is open to residents of the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware and Pennsylvania. Exceptions to this geographic requirement can be granted by action of the Board.

4. The minimum age required for membership is 16 years. Persons under the age of 16 may join the Club if their parent, grandparent or legal guardian is a member of the club, so long as they also meet the requirements of Sections 2 and 3 of the Charter. Under no circumstance are persons under the age of 16 permitted to vote in elections for, or serve on, the Board.

5. Privileges of membership include:

a. Attending meetings,

b. Access to online member forums and social media,

c. Participation in Club sponsored social activities,

d. Voting in Club elections,

e. Standing for election as Director,

f. Putting forward proposals for Club activities,

g. Putting forward motions consistent with this Charter,

h. Other rights as determined by the Board.

6. The privileges enumerated in Section 5 shall be extended to all members, except those individuals covered under Section 10(l) and as qualified in Sections 4 and 10(k). 7. Although not a condition of membership, the spirit of the Club encourages members to attend meetings and participate in representing the Club at special events.

Article II: The Board of Directors

8. The management and operation of the Club shall be entrusted to a Board of Directors (the “Board.”)

9. The Board will consist of five Directors. Directors will be elected consistent with Article


10. The Board is granted the authority to:

a. Schedule meetings,

b. Set meeting agenda,

c. Speak for and represent the Club to other persons and organizations,

d. Determine Club participation at events,

e. Maintain the Club’s online and social media presence,

f. Propose special Club activities,

g. Determine the amount of and collect membership dues,

h. Collect any other funds accruing to the Club from events, sales of goods, commissions, or any other activity,

i. Manage, allocate and disburse Club funds,

j. Make decisions regarding the legal status of the Club,

k. Discipline members for violation of the Charter or other Club rules, through suspension of member rights or expulsion from the Club,

l. Grant Honorary or Member Emeritus status to deserving individuals,

m. Conduct other business determined by the Board to be in the best interests of the Club. 11. All Board decisions made under Section 10 shall require the support of a majority of the Directors. In the event of a tie, the Chairman will decide. Should the Chairman be unable or unwilling to break a deadlock, the matter will be set aside.

12. The Board may delegate any of its authority as it sees fit to individual Directors or members. Such delegation may be conditional and may be revoked at the Board’s discretion.

13. A Director may be removed from the Board for cause or incapacity by a unanimous vote of the other Directors.

Article III: The Chairman

14. The Board will select a Chairman from among the Directors.

15. The method of selecting the Chairman is at the discretion of the Board.

16. The Chairman’s tenure is indefinite, so long as he remains a Director.

17. A new Chairman can be selected upon unanimous decision by the other four directors.

18. The Chairman’s duties shall consist of:

a. Supervising Club meetings,

b. The administrative process of scheduling club meetings,

c. Represent the Club at outside events,

d. Serve as the Club’s point-of-contact with other organizations,

e. Calling for meetings of the Board as needed,

19. The Chairman may delegate any of these duties at his discretion.

Article IV: Directors and Elections

20. There are two types of elections to the board, General Elections and Special Elections.

Both are conducted under the terms of Section 25. 21. A General Election is held to select a new Board in full.

22. A General Election will be called if any of the following conditions are met:

a. If a club member moves for a General Election at a regular club meeting, and if that motion is seconded, a vote will be taken on that motion by all members in attendance. Prior to that vote, all members who wish to be heard will be given an opportunity to speak on the motion. If a majority of those present support the motion, the Chairman will call for a general election at the next regular meeting. Such a motion may not be made if less than one year has elapsed since the last General Election, or

b. No less than four serving Directors call for a General Election, or

c. The number of serving Directors falls below three.

23. The Board as composed at the time a General Election is called will continue in their positions until the election results are announced consistent with Section 25(h).

24. Special Elections will be used to select a new Director to fill an existing or imminent vacancy on the Board.

25. Selection of Directors shall take place via direct election by the members as prescribed below:

a. When directed to do so under Section 22 or 24, the Chairman will call an election at the next regular Club meeting. The date of the election and window for nomination will be announced at this time,

b. Once the election is called, any member, consistent with Section 4, may nominate another member as a candidate for the Board. Once that nomination is seconded by another member, the nominee may accept or decline the nomination. If accepted, the member will be considered a candidate for the Board,

c. A member may not nominate, or second a nomination for, themself,

d. The nomination and acceptance process shall take place at an official Club meeting, on the official Club forums, or a combination of thereof,

e. If, at the close of nomination window, the number of nominees is equal to or less than the number of vacant positions, the Chairman will declare those nominees to be selected by proclamation,

f. If the number of nominees exceeds the number of vacant positions, a vote by secret ballot will be held. Each member will be allowed to cast one ballot. A ballot may contain votes for a number candidates equal to the number of open seats on the Board. Ballots naming candidates in excess of the number of open Board seats will be disqualified in whole. Ballots which list the same candidate multiple times shall count as only a single vote for the named candidate.

g. At the conclusion of voting, the ballots will be counted by two members selected by the Chairman, who are not also candidates and at least one of whom is not a Director,

h. The candidates receiving the most votes will be, consistent with the number of open seats on Board, declared to have won the election. Tenure on the Board begins immediately upon announcement of the results by the Chairman.

26. The period of time allowed for nominations shall be determined by the Board, but shall not be less than one month and may not exceed 10 weeks.

27. Elections must be held at a regular club meeting. An election can not be held during the same meeting at which it was announced.

28. Should the number of candidates not be sufficient to fill all Board vacancies, the Board may fill those vacancies through invitation.

29. There are no limitations as to reelection of Directors or time served on the Board.

30. Once elected, Directors shall serve until the next General Election is held, their resignation or removal by the Board under Section 13.

31. Ballots may only be cast by those members present at the meeting during which the election occurs.

Article V: Meetings

32. Club meetings will take place on a regular schedule.

33. The Board will attempt to schedule at least one regular meeting during each calendar month.

34. Regular meetings will be held in public locations, such as libraries, schools or other venues as determined by the Board, and are open to all members.

35. Regular meetings are subject to, and will be held consistent with, any rules or conditions set forth by the hosting venue. 36. Special meetings can be scheduled at the discretion of the Board. Special meetings may be held at private venues and member’s residences.

37. Attendance, special requirements or other conditions concerning special meetings are entirely at the discretion of the host.

38. At the Board’s determination, a special meeting can replace a regular meeting on the schedule, so long as this is not done in consecutive months.

39. There is no restriction against multiple meetings, regular or special, being held in a single calendar month.

Article VI: Addenda

40. The DC Star Wars Collecting Club is opposed to discrimination in all forms. It is the policy and commitment of the club to not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, sex, national origin, physical or mental disability, or religion.

41. Amendments to this Charter may be proposed by seconded motion of a member or by the Board. Once proposed, the Amendment must be approved by a majority of members at a regular meeting.

42. This Charter will become effective immediately upon approval by the serving Board of Directors and approval of a majority of the Club Members present at the following regular meeting.

"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life."

"A nihilistic assault on your five senses"

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